
fall(sss) exists across a designated physical location and online at www.fallsss.xyz.
It uses the time of sunrise and sunset specific to the location to generate a space where movements of decrease and decline are explored against the backdrop of a gradually changing colourfield.

Current designated location is London, UK.


Past designated locations

Tiohtià:ke / Montréal, Canada
21 June - 13 July 2023
As part of the video installation fall(sss) (2023) in the group exhibition InSomnolence organised by The Sociability of Sleep

Tampere, Finland
13 July - 1 August 2019
As part of the group exhibition Taivaassa/In the Sky at Hirvitalo - Pispalan nykytaiteen keskus (Center of Contemporary Art Pispala)

Initiated in 2019 (ongoing)

Project by Yoojin Lee

Web development: Young Jun Lee
Soundscape: Giuseppe Termine

The local position of the Sun is calculated using mathematical methods (1, 2, 3). Javascript libraries HSLuv, Howler.js, seedrandom.js were used.